Abstract: This paper will introduce a gender analysis perspective, as the government to relax the family planning constraints, allowing the "second child" fertility choice of policy motives and gender consequences, as well as the actual response to the beneficiary family while given a solution based on feminological theory, and in this as on the basis of in-depth discussion of the "second child" fertility policy may give women a negative gender effect of the response. However, analyzing the big data will be a challenging work. We therefore adopt the idea of the multi-dimensional analysis model to finalize the analysis. Multi-dimensional data model can be used to carry out a variety of online analytical processing operations, such as basic upward integration, down inspection, local analysis, etc. Therefore, the process of online analysis and processing is based on data analysis requirements, from the original data structure of various data cube and the implementation of relevant operation of the cube and then the results returned to the user's process. Besides this, we simulate the proposed model with the implementation of the Chinese policies.
From:Revista de la Facultad de Ingeniería U.C.V(Engineering Index). 2017, Vol. 32, N 12, pp. 1036-1043